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Royal Bear Page 5
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Page 5
That, I couldn’t do. There was too much at stake. No matter how much it pained me, I couldn’t have Grace. Damn, I needed to do better at remembering that. The sooner I found her brother and got things settled for her, the sooner she’d be able to go on her way and I…well, I would have to go on mine, too.
I couldn’t give Grace much, but I could leave her with something. And I’d move hell and highwater to do it. I’d get her brother back for her.
Unfortunately, gaining access to such confidential and protected information required tapping into all the intelligence at my disposal. If Gray Lowe was working for the CIA, then he would have covered his tracks pretty well. There was only one place I could go for access to the kind of information I needed—our King, my father.
I waited on the phone for nearly ten minutes before my father picked up the line. And if that right there didn’t show exactly how little clout a Prince of the species carried these days.
When he answered, my Father’s voice sounded older, tired. “Konstantin. To what do I owe the extreme pleasure?” I winced at my father’s unbridled sarcasm. It had been months since the two of us had last spoken.
“Hello, Your Majesty—Father. I trust you are well.”
He grunted. “Please tell me you have you finally decided to grace us with your return.”
I cringed. I knew it was coming, but I cringed nevertheless. King Vladimir was a staunch traditionalist who hated change and held fast to old policies and traditions. He believed fully in the authority of the royals and the separation of classes and had done everything in his power to see that archaic traditions continued.
It had been near miracle that he’d allowed me a few years to live anonymously amongst what he referred to as the masses. I might add that it took all my persuasive powers to convince him and in the end he only agreed because I assured him it would make me a better ruling monarch.
“Soon, Father, I will be returning very soon.” I prepared myself for his reaction to that statement.
“Unacceptable! Completely unacceptable, Konstantin. I’ve allowed you your foolish meandering. Now, it’s time to leave this adolescent folly, cease your playacting and return home. The kingdom awaits you, as does your betrothed.”
My heart was in my throat. No one denied a direct order from the King. No one but me, anyway. I knew my father was eager to hand the mantle of reign over to me. I also knew that I would first need to mate a woman I hardly knew, certainly didn’t love, and who had been chosen for me only months after I was born. I accepted all that as my fate. But, I wouldn’t leave before reuniting Grace with her brother.
As my mind searched for the words to say that would placate him and give me more time, I wanted to kick my own ass. I was educated in diplomacy, for Christ’s sake, tutored by nannies and governesses, fluent in six languages as well as a myriad of other subjects that it was determined would someday serve me as ruler of our kind. It was merely a matter of tapping into what I’d been taught.
“I understand Father and agree wholeheartedly that it is time to assume my royal duties and ascend to the throne and I am prepared to do just that.” My face twisted into a wince as I said the words. “As I am nearing the tail end of a crucial mission, I must extend our deadline for a short time more, merely until the mission is completed at which time I will return immediately.”
He huffed. Then grunted. Then paused. Then sighed. “And the time frame for completing this mission?” He sounded completely skeptical.
“I—I am afraid I have no definitive date, however I assure it will be in the very near future. Very near.” I could hear my father’s exasperated sigh. How the man could communicate so much with just one sigh, I’d never know. And here was where I needed to make my critical move. I cleared my throat. “Your assistance in the matter would greatly expedite the culmination of this mission.”
Another sigh—this one large and loud and seeming to say I’m tired and weary and my sons a royal pain in my royal ass. Maybe that was my imagination. “What is it you ask from me this time, Konstantin?”
“I need information on the whereabouts of a certain wolf shifter believed to be working for or in cahoots with the CIA.” I relayed all the information to my father who in turn, transferred it to his head of security.
“My patience is running thin. VERY thin.”
“I understand, Father. I give you my word.”
He grunted again. “Need I remind you of the consequences should you not honor your word, Konstantin.”
No he did not need to remind me. I knew just what was at stake if I happened to withdraw from our agreement. He’d made it very clear—an unveiled threat he held over my head to ensure I would comply with our traditions. “I am well aware of the stakes.”
Should I fail to return to Siberia and mate my betrothed, I would be banished from the kingdom. And worse. Much worse. The guys on the P.O.L.A.R. team would suffer. The team would be disbanded, defunded and the guys, my friends, would be exiled from our homeland—indefinitely. All to punish me.
And that, I would not allow.
My sister and I had been fortunate enough to have grown up out of the public eye—something my mother had sworn my father to on her death bed. And, to his credit, King Vladimir had kept his word. There were no photographs of us, no sightings of us, and the media referred to me as the Hidden Prince—only not so hidden. Hidden in plain sight.
I received a call back from my father’s head of security not more than thirty minutes later. Which was impressive by any standard. Turned out, Gray had been involved in something rather serious and he had, indeed, been working undercover for the CIA.
I still wasn’t sure exactly where the guy had disappeared to, but thanks to my father’s connections, I had a good solid lead on where to start digging.
My father had come through, and soon it would be my turn to keep my side of the bargain—just as soon as I found Gray Lowe. My next step involved going undercover myself for a few days to follow the leads and see what info I could dig up.
“If you don’t stop feeding him, I’ll have to roll him home.”
Heidi grinned as she held out another piece of raw fish for Damocles to gobble up greedily. “I caught this myself just this morning, little fella.”
“I’m surprised he isn’t frightened with all the big bear pheromones that must be floating around this place.” Kerrigan patted the top of the cat’s head and giggled as I tried to figure out what sorcery had turned my grumpy cat into a sweet, purring, overfed, spoiled rotten attention whore.
Hannah and I had hit it off so well, that she invited me to the P.O.L.A.R. house where she and the other women—mates of some of the guys—were gathering to fix a big, home-cooked meal. I tried to beg off by saying that I couldn’t leave Damocles alone so long, but instead of accepting that excuse, she insisted I bring my cat along.
Right as Parker was putting the finishing touches on the table settings, since she was the only one of the women who had zero cooking skills, the doorbell chimed.
“Can you grab that, Grace?” I was closest, so I hopped up to greet whoever was on the other side of the door and opened it to a tall, statuesque woman who looked me up and down wrinkling her nose with a sneer of disgust. Well, smell you, too.
Her voice was harsh and grating. “Where is Konstantin?”
O-Kay. “Uh, and you are?”
She looked down her nose at me. “Here for Konstantin. Where is he?”
I suddenly felt defensive and had to reminded myself that this wasn’t my house and despite him trying to lick my tonsils earlier, Kon wasn’t my man. I had no reason to get all protective and defensive. Still, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.
“Uh, he’s not here.”
Megan stepped up next to me. “Can I help you with something? What do you want with Kon?”
“Kon?” She spat the word out like it was vile and distasteful. “Have you no respect? His name is Konstantin… Pr
ince Konstantin Nikolaev and he happens to be my fiancé. Now, I’ll ask only once more. WHERE is he?”
A flush ran through me as the words hit home. Wide-eyed, I turned to Kerrigan. She turned to Parker who turned to Heidi. After several seconds of stunned silence, Megan was the first to regain her composure and speak. “Prince…there must be a mistake. You can’t be talking about the same Konstantin who lives here. The one we know.”
Suddenly, Serge descended the stairs from the second floor. As he took in the scene at the front door, he must have realized there was something strange going on. He stepped forward and took charge, eyeing the tall blonde suspiciously. “And who might you be?”
“It’s not who I might be, it’s who I am—Lady Valentina Vasiliev, betrothed to Prince Konstantin Nikolaev. Who happens to be your crown prince, Bear. You might show a bit more respect.”
Serge’s face went white as a ghost as he processed the information. “Prince Konstantin?!” Then, he turned a raging red as the implication sunk in. “I’ll be goddamned. The Hidden Prince.” Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who was blindsided by this information.
“Are you going to stand there gaping at me like an open-mouthed carp, bear, or are you going to invite me in?”
“Er, of course, Lady Valentina. Won’t you please come in?”
The only thing worse than crushing on some hot Viking god who disappears after practically dry humping you in front of a potential new friend was meeting his fiancée only hours later. And now, my circle of shame was complete.
As Lady Valentina entered P.O.LA.R. house with five of her “attendants” in tow, all eyes in the room swung to me.
Lady Valentina, it turned out, was sharp as a tack. She saw the heads turn my way and seemed to catch on immediately why they did so. She stared daggers at me while simultaneously barking orders to her attendants who were hauling in what looked like a truckload of luggage. Then, she turned her order barking to Serge, who ended up directing each of the attendants to one of the upstairs bedrooms.
I was more than aware that I probably reeked of Kon’s scent, which would be especially noticeable to a shifter. So, when her sharp eyes raked over me while her delicate nostrils flared, I knew what she was getting—the scent of her man all over me.
I was furious and ashamed all at once. Although, was it really fair to be angry with Kon? What did he do anyway? There was an extreme mutual attraction between us to be sure, but that kind of thing couldn’t be helped. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Although, there was that kiss. That panty melting, jaw dropping, heart-pounding kiss…hell yeah, I could be angry at Kon! He deserved to have his eyes scratched out for making out with me when he already had a woman.
I took another look at Lady Valentina—gorgeous, tall, blonde, statuesque, with legs that didn’t quit. And perfect hair and an awesome manicure and designer clothes that looked like they were tailored to her—they probably were! Her dress managed to show off her flawless figure while at the same time reflect impeccable taste. No wonder Kon was engaged to her. Or, should I say Prince Konstantin. I could picture them side by side. They actually made a beautiful couple in a Barbie and Ken sort of way. Him, a large, muscled Viking-looking warrior prince, and her a stately and regal blonde princess. What the hell had he been doing with me? Slumming?
The pièce de résistance was when Valentina, staring directly at me, insisted her things be placed in Kon’s bedroom. Ouch. If I hadn’t been humiliated before, at that moment, I would have paid good money to have the floor swallow me whole.
She was clearly marking him as hers. It couldn’t have been more obvious if she’d lifted her leg and peed on the man. Actually, it was too bad Konstantin wasn’t around to be peed on. I would have enjoyed that right about then.
I was ready to tuck tail and scram out of there, but my humiliation wasn’t yet complete—oh, no. As I tried to sneak out of the room, Lady Valentina ceased barking orders at her staff long enough to level me with a sinister gaze. “Where are you off to, human?”
I straightened my shoulders and met her gaze. I felt terrible for making out with her almost husband, but I hadn’t known anything about her and it wasn’t fair that I should be made feel like scum because of Kon’s betrayal.
I flashed my biggest fake smile and waved. “Home. Bye-bye!”
Hannah tucked her arm through mine and smiled. “I’ll come with you.” At that, all the others, Heidi, Megan, Kerrigan, and Parker, piped up expressing how they were all concerned about me walking home by myself and it was only right they accompany me.
Valentina snorted a laugh. “A girl’s trip? Maybe I should come along and we can all gossip about whose fiancé we’ve been fucking.”
Serge growled and stepped forward. “That’s my mate you’re talking to.”
“And I’ll be your queen soon, bear.” Her eyes moved back to me and pinned me in place. “Have you no mate to step forward and defend you?”
I shrugged. “Just me.”
“A bear to fuck you, but no one to love you. Pity.”
Hannah’s hand tightened on my arm in support, and suddenly I felt as though I was in a group of friends facing off against the mean girl. Her words were bitchy and petty, but they cut deeper than I cared to admit. I wasn’t the type of person to engage in a catfight, though, so I let it go. I’d always kept my head down and chin up when things got rough—taken the high road, so I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“Oh, my god. What?” Valentina narrowed her eyes, provoking me. “Are you going to cry? Humans and their emotions. It’s been five minutes and already you’re in tears.”
She’s not worth it. She’s not worth it. She’s not worth it. I chanted to myself to keep from slugging her one in her perfect nose.
I lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug and attempted to narrow my eyes the same way she did. “No, I was just noticing that you have lipstick on your teeth. Pity.”
Hannah giggled, pushing me out of the house and the others followed. The door slammed shut behind us and Parker snorted. “You just pissed off the soon to be queen of the polar bear shifters.”
I made an unflattering fart sound. “Who cares? She’s not my queen. She’s no one to me.”
“You’ve got that right, sister.” Kerrigan looped her arm through mine on the other side while Megan and Parker tried to one up each other as they both attempted to perfect their Valentina impersonations. Heidi chuckled as she followed carrying Damocles.
As horrible as that whole scene had felt, there was one silver lining. For the first time in my life, I experienced what it was like to have girlfriends.
Where the fuck are you? Serge was in my head and as angry as I’d ever heard him.
Undercover. We need a boat.
What the fuck do you think you’re doing going undercover without saying something? You think you’re some lone vigilante or something? Did you forget about the rest of us? That you’re part of a fucking team? No, just go on, run off undercover. Don’t let anyone know if you’re alive or dead.
I’m alive. And, I’ve got a pretty good lead on Gray. In fact, I think I found him. But, we need a boat. Something small. We’re going to have to slip under the radar of the coast guard and Uncle Sam.
Fucking hell. He hesitated for a moment. When you get back on land, you have more than a little explaining to do. You’ve got a damn shitstorm waiting for you here.
My stomach twisted. Is Grace okay?
Oh, she’s great. Super. So’s your fucking fiancée, Prince Charming.
A cold dread washed over me. Fuck.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. When did you think you were gonna tell us?
I…uh… Oh, fuck. Valentina in Sunkissed Key? I could only imagine how that must have gone over with Grace. Not to mention the team finding out about my title. I’d worry about the team later. It was Grace that had my stomach twisting itself in knots. My bear was raging—urging me to go to her immediately. Explain. Beg forgiv
eness. And I really wanted to, but I knew the best thing I could do for her right then was to find her brother and see to his safe return.
Is she okay?
Grace! Is Grace okay?
How the fuck do I know? Who do you think I am, her therapist?
It occurred to me that the phone call to my father must have triggered Valentina’s surprise visit. He probably put her up to it.
Look, I can’t blow my cover just yet. Can you get a boat and meet me the night after tomorrow at dusk, just off the port of Miami?
A few minutes passed and I was almost certain Serge was going to tell me to fuck off and get my own boat.
I’ll arrange it and contact you once I know details.
I let out a breath I hadn’t realize I’d been holding. Thanks, brother.
I hadn’t missed the anger in his words. I also was under no illusion as to why it was there. The guys probably all felt betrayed by me. I’d hidden my true identity from them for years. I’d hidden it from everyone. Serge, more than anyone, deserved to have been made aware of my title, but I’d never wanted to stand out or be treated any differently. I wanted to be appreciated on my own merits.
Swearing, I turned back to the small hotel room I’d gotten for the night.
I hadn’t seen Valentina since we were kids. I had no clue of the person she was or what kind of woman she’d grown into. I remembered her as a vapid, spoiled rotten brat. To be fair, we were both seven at the time. For all I knew she may have changed into a kind and generous person in the intervening years, but it wouldn’t matter if her heart rivaled Mother Theresa’s. I would go through with the mating, ascend to the throne, do what I was bred and groomed to do. Fulfill my duties. But as of three days ago, I knew there was only one woman who would ever claim my heart.